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MailEngageX Review - How Can Get 3X Click On Your Email

What Is MailEngageX? MailEngageX is a  complete package to help you make MORE money from your email marketing. With MailEngageX, you can create emails that get more clicks! With this special tools like Personalised Videos in Emails & Mute Button Technology, you will see your CTR skyrocket. Imagine, who wouldn’t open an email that is personalized to them. Or click to check your video which has their name on it? This technology is really powerful! With MailEngageX, you can upload any video and convert it into a click magnet, strategically placed in your email. The video auto plays when your subscriber opens your email. But that’s not all. Your subscriber will see their name appearing within the video! Yes - it's like magic! We all love receiving emails that are personalized to us. That’s what you can deliver and profit from! But it doesn't stop there! This product is added the latest engagement, scarcity, personalization and conversion technologies to this powerfu