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Vidscratch Review - VidScratch Demo - VidScratch OTO

What Is VidScratch? VidScratch is a powerful cloud app that creates irresistible “video scratch card” lead campaigns that help build you and your client’s lists faster. Agency Rights are included with this 100% unique “gamification” tool meaning you can not only double leads and profits faster, but sell access to clients yourself for any price you choose. Gamification is the key to getting website visitors more relaxed and more likely to engage with our opt-in form and brand in general. See, ordinary squeeze pages and popups have been shown so many people have developed ‘banner-blindness’ to them and the gift they get in exchange for their information becomes devalued. However, when a visitor is confronted with a chance to win something ie: like when playing the lottery, the perceived value of the prize goes up tremendously. Combine that with eye-catching graphics and video and now you have something that will really get visitors' attention and get them to interact with your