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StoryPal Review - Creates stories with fast Google indexing

A Brief Introduction Google recently launched an initiative that allows you to create stories just like you see on social media that can be shared all over the web… With Google AMP stories, you’re able to create Instagram-like stories and have them on your website…giving you full control! Google now have a dedicated carousel of Visual Stories in its search results. Making this content format a sure-fire way to boost traffic and rank higher in 2020 and beyond. These brand new Google AMP Web Stories are the wave of the future and people absolutely love engaging with these Stories… Proof That AMP Web Stories Work… Early adopters of Visual Stories who converted their web contents or blog posts to AMP stories saw upto; 377% increase in pageviews with AMP Web Stories 38% increase in time on a website with stories in it 7.5 decrease in bounce rate 1 in 4 people look to Stories for products or services they might want to buy 59% of brands links Stories to a page with products for sale