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Hiển thị các bài đăng có nhãn designbundle review

Ultimate 10-in-1 Design Software with Commercial License

Sure, video is getting more popular online. Might explain why there’s a new “can’t live without it” video software released every other day. And while many marketers use video … many MORE use images & graphics. If you’re wondering what the reason is, this is it; Pictures are THE way to grab attention, drive traffic & get more clicks. They’re also way easier, faster & easier to create than video. Images are essential for social media posts - driving up to 94% MORE views than posts without graphics. Pictures are used in every business application: from web design & content, branding, product covers and everything in between. Sadly, current graphics options for marketers are very limited. Fancy softwares are expensive, complicated and time-consuming. Free softwares rarely have enough features for your needs. Royalty-free image sites can cost you $300 per month OR MORE. Graphic design artists don’t come cheap and you’ll wait for results. Facing this p