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Hiển thị các bài đăng có nhãn TubeTarget Review

TubeTarget Review - How To Use TubeTarget

Introduce People have watched 50,000 years of product review videos in YouTube. Every buyer goes to YouTube to check out the product reviews and videos before they buy anything these days. From unboxing smartphones, flying drones, testing out a game or a new product released from the makeup lines- it’s all there. And, you can’t blame them. It’s very easy to find reviews on Facebook, but it’s pretty hard to trust seeing sugarcoated reviews from questionable dummy accounts. If you're selling a physical product from your E-commerce store, or you're advertising your services in Facebook, you are on the wrong platform now. Facebook lost the throne already to YouTube. Rumor has it, Facebook is now a sinking ship when it comes to running ads. While Facebook's cutting-edge demographics can help you determine who your audiences are and when it's the best time to get your ads running, there’s too much competition. This causes high rates, and the ad inventory has fallen sharply.