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Hiển thị các bài đăng có nhãn rankflux

How to use RankFlux to ranking your business on Google Page#1?

Introduce If you have online business, you'll know the traffic is blood because no traffic, no money. But it is too hard to drive traffic to your business because there are many skills and knowledge about SEO to rank your business on Google Page #1. In addition the keywords is competition. With RankFlux you can charge them a one-time fee, a monthly/yearly recurring fee or even a percentage in their turnover in exchange for getting them on Page #1 on the biggest search engine on the planet. What Is RankFlux? Rankflux is a WordPress plugin help you to rank your business on Google page #1 rankings and drive free targeted buyer traffic, sales and leads in one click with zero SEO knowledge or skills required! It allow you to quickly and easily out-rank your competitors and get page #1 ranking 99.9% of time regardless of any Google update by uncovering hidden high traffic low competitive keywords in seconds that you can add to your website in one click…in just few clicks s