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Hiển thị các bài đăng có nhãn PointRank

PointRank Review - How To Quickly Get Traffic And Rank In 2019

Hi all, There is a truth is: getting traffic and rankings in 2019 is a nightmare and here’s why: Hard work & expensive:   you need to build thousands of high quality backlinks or spend $500+ on a software Lots of research:   good keywords are super tough to rank for without experience so you need to spend hours finding a perfect keyword   Lots of waiting: you need to watch your rankings slowly creep up (or down) without control over them Hidden costs: even if you do manage to find a software that ranks for you, there are always hidden costs!   Short term rankings: even if you manage to rank, google or youtube can tear you apart overnight with an ago change, or just a change of robot heart.. Fortunately, I know  a fresh solution that works fast and long term. What is it? It's a software called PointRank , that allows NON-SEO guys like THIS GUY (hyper link this) to get page #1 rankings on both google and youtube in MINUTES, for HARD keywords..AND STAY on top!